George Hackenschmidt Flexing & In A Suit

Look at these photos of George Hackenschmidt in 1905. Hackenschmidt is believed to be the creator of the bear hug as well as being attributed with popularizing the bench press. He was admired for his freak-of-nature strength, flexibility and cardio.


He was a champion wrestler and the inventor of the hack squat that we know and love today. In fact, one of his freak-of-nature feats include performing over 550 reps of the hack squat with a 110lb barbell.


Those that have dined with Hackenschmidt noted that he ate substantial amounts of whole foods such as, “a porterhouse-steak, and a whole Camembert cheese…  he would eat steak and half a dozen eggs as a snack but did not eat tinned foods.”


It is said that Hackenschmidt consumed 11 pints of milk every day for the protein.


According to Zweiniger-Bargielowska in Managing the Body: Beauty, Health, and Fitness in Britain, Hackenschmidt aimed to avoid everything which has been artificialized in any way.


It was reported by David Gentle that, “at 56 he could jump over a 4-foot, 6-inch-high board ten times. Even through his mid-80s, he would jump fifty times over a chair once a week, bench press 150 pounds and run seven miles in 45 minutes.”


At 5 ft. 9 inches tall, 218 lbs., this man was considered to have accomplished a peak masculine physique. As a strongman and wrestler, he was admired by both men and women. Even President Theodore Roosevelt is on record saying, “If I wasn't president of the United States, I would like to be George Hackenschmidt.”


Today, Hackenschmidt would measure about the same size as the average NFL running back.


Leonard Fournette - former LSU running back and at the time of this article the starting RB for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers - currently measures in at 6 ft. 228 lbs. Jay Cutler (bodybuilder not football player), four-time Mr. Olympia winner, stands at 5 ft. 9 inches tall and his weight ranges from 240-291 lbs.


So, what’s the point?


Hackenschmidt lived in great health until he was 90 years old. He was considered well educated, multilingual and found hobbies in philosophy and gardening. He overcame being a prisoner of war and displayed mental fortitude while maintaining strength, cardio and flexibility into his elderly age. He was never decrepit, in pain or ill, nor was there ever any physical hindrance for him as an elder. The man was able to bench press 150 lbs and run seven miles in his mid-80s!


NFL players life expectancy (59.6 years old) is much lower than the average citizen although they are in the top percentile of physique for most of their career. Many NFL players gain a large amount of weight in retirement and experience gruesome amounts of pain due to the stress they put their bodies through on the football field.


Bodybuilders today experience a mortality rate 34% higher than the average citizen. Their average age of death is 47.7 years old. Their kidney-related and cardiovascular deaths are abnormally high in contrast to the general population.


Most people aren’t NFL running backs or Mr. Olympia. Most people aren’t George Hackenschmidt. The difference, however, is that Hackenschmidt encompasses an actual achievable physique that will improve your health and longevity all around. This is an attainable physique for many, and one that every male should strive for – but very few will ever obtain.


While NFL players and bodybuilders work extremely hard and diligently to sculpt and perfect their craft/body, these feats do not always translate into good health. They also almost always come from extremely gifted genetics.


Hackenschmidt is the product of hard work, dedication and discipline. Before bodybuilding, protein shakes and steroids, nature gave us eggs, meat and milk. Most of the physiques that we glamorize, adore and promote today are the product of an unachievable goal unless you intend to sacrifice your health and longevity.


Hackenschmidt strove to cut out anything processed, artificial or even canned. He ate an abundance of eggs and meat while drinking a plethora of milk and water. He abstained from alcohol, coffee, tobacco and advised moderation in sexual intercourse.


Be like Hackenschmidt – cut out the processed and artificial crap. Quit spending money for someone else to cook something for you. Cook something yourself! Eat anything that you want if you cook it yourself and it helps towards your protein goals. Focus on protein and not the calories. Cooking at home can be quick and simple. It will save you thousands of calories a day as well as money.


The secret is to cut out the laziness. Every generation prior to us has figured out how to not be fat and lazy. Today, the general population is more obese and out of shape than ever. Train, walk, cook your meals and take back control of your life.


Quit being lazy and start looking like George Hackenschmidt. Let’s get back to the natural days of bodybuilding through discipline. It does not have to be complicated. Eat good whole foods, go outside and walk, and train consistently. Hit your protein goals and do not drink your calories.


Quit promoting unhealthy and juiced up physiques. Let’s get back to natural foods, natural physiques/bodies and natural health!

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